New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2022 PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI News and Updates Website Banner Funding Opportunity - 2022 PSI Research Trainee Award Posted: May 17, 2021

PSI Launches the 2022 Competition for the PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI Foundation is very excited to announce the 2022 competition for the PSI Research Trainee Award. The primary aim of this fellowship is to provide highly qualified Medical Doctors (M.D.) with clinically applicable research training opportunities and support.

Please note: This funding opportunity is not an additional PSI operating grant. PSI encourages candidates to apply for PSI’s operating grants, such as Resident Research and New Investigator Research grants.


Applicants must either:

  • Be an M.D. in a Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • In a combined M.D./Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • In the Clinician Investigator Program (CIP)

Amount and Duration of Funding

A maximum of $25,000 per year for two (2) years is available from PSI.

Please note: sponsoring institutions are required to co-fund 50% of the amount requested from PSI. For example, if the fellow requests $20,000 per year from PSI, then the sponsoring institution must provide $10,000 per year.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award. Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

Similar to previous years, each of Ontario’s six medical universities may submit up to two candidates; therefore, all applications must be submitted through the medical university. The deadline for medical universities to submit their applications to PSI is August 9th, 2021 at 5pm EST.

Please contact the medical university research office regarding internal application process/deadlines. Medical universities must submit their applications to PSI via PSI online grants management system.

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